
Feeling Grateful... Time to Paint!

I sold two paintings very recently. I'm always flattered when someone is interested in the paintings and tells me they like my work. It's inspiring and makes me want to paint more.

I find I paint in spurts. I get the itch to paint and need to make at least 8 - 10 paintings to get rid of that itch. Usually by then, life takes over and I'm not allowed to go on and paint more (kids forget who their mom is, the house gets dirty, laundry piles up, etc.), but at least I'd satisfied the need to create. I have that need again and I hope I can produce at least 10 paintings in the near future! Look out for some new material. I'm excited to see what I come up with! Be patient with me family for the next little bit while I try and do something for myself. I'll post the images in the gallery as they're made :)

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